Lend loan

  • Interest rate varies depending on credit rating

  • Digital identification possible

  • For property owners better rates

General conditions:

Request a non-binding free quote without affecting your ZEK credit history.

Residence in Switzerland or Liechtenstein required. A Swiss bank account is also required.

Interest rates vary based on the creditworthiness, loan terms and financial situations of applicants. 

Credit rating required to obtain a loan: A+, A, B, C or D.

Important: The lowest interest rate is only available to applicants with the highest credit ratings (with collateral or home owners: A+).

Min. effective interest rate:
Max. effective interest rate:
Minimum amount of loan:
CHF 10,000
Max. amount of loan:
CHF 200,000
Minimum duration:
12 months
Maximum duration:
84 months
Minimum age:
20 years
Maximum age:
64 years
Special services:
Early repayment
Type of loan:

New loans, loan refinancing. Loans can be increased at later points in time within the loan term.

Residence permit:

Swiss citizens. Non-citizens who hold C or B residence permits.


Regular income and ongoing, unlimited employment.


Copy of ID card or passport. Non-citizens must provide a copy of their residence permit in addition to a copy of their passport. Salary statements (last three months) and extract from the debt collection register. Additional documents like divorce settlements, home rental agreements and other documents may be required.

General information:

The interest rates used vary between loans depending on the creditworthiness and financial situation of applicants. Interest rates may also vary based on the lengths of loan terms. With insurance, the interest costs can be lower.

Special offers for Moneyland users

Moneyland Special Offers

Swiss digital bank

Alpian Savings Account

  • Up to 1% interest if you open your account before February 28, 2025*

  • Any number of withdrawals possible without any withdrawal limits or notice periods

  • Monthly interest crediting

Free bank account


  • No account fees

  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Swiss Broker

Saxo Bank Special Offer

  • Special offer: Reimbursement of brokerage fees up to CHF 200 for 90 days

  • Licensed Swiss bank (FINMA)

  • Free expert research and trading signals

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Special offers for Moneyland users

Moneyland Special Offers

Swiss digital bank

Alpian Savings Account

  • Up to 1% interest if you open your account before February 28, 2025*

  • Any number of withdrawals possible without any withdrawal limits or notice periods

  • Monthly interest crediting

Free bank account


  • No account fees

  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Swiss Broker

Saxo Bank Special Offer

  • Special offer: Reimbursement of brokerage fees up to CHF 200 for 90 days

  • Licensed Swiss bank (FINMA)

  • Free expert research and trading signals

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Deal of the Day
Swiss digital bank

Alpian Savings Account

Up to 1% interest if you open your account before February 28, 2025*