Visana Hospital Semi-Private

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Visana Hospital Semi-Private

  • Inpatient insurance semi-private ward


General information:

Acceptance not guaranteed. Health check by Visana beforehand.

Semi-private ward
Choice of hospital and doctor:

Semi-private ward in an acute hospital. Free choice of doctor.

Notice period:

The insurer can terminate the contract at the latest 3 months before the end of the contract or calendar year.

Premiums and discounts:

Amount of premiums varies depending on the age, place of residence and gender of the insured person. Various discounts for co-payments, families with two and more children etc.

Selection of relevant Swiss hospitals:
Hirslanden St. Anna, Hirslanden Stephanshorn, Hirslanden Belair, Hirslanden AndreasKlinik Cham Zug, Hirslanden La Colline, Hirslanden Birshof, Hirslanden Klinik Im Park, Hirslanden Salem-Spital, Hirslanden Beau-Site, Hirslanden Permanence, Hirslanden Aarau, Hirslanden St. Anna - Meggen, Hirslanden Bois-Cerf, Hirslanden Cecil, Hirslanden Zürich, Merian Iselin, Reha Rheinfelden, Schulthess Klinik, Klinik Susenberg, Privatklinik Hohenegg, Clinic Bad Ragaz, Clinique Générale-Beaulieu, Lindenhofgruppe Lindenhofspital, Lindenhofgruppe Sonnenhofspital, Lindenhofgruppe Engeriedspital, Klinik Pyramide am See, Klinik Bethesda, Klinik Tiefenbrunnen, SMN Clinica Ars Medica, SMN Clinica Sant'Anna, SMN Clinique Générale, SMN Clinique Montbrillant, SMN Clinique Valmont, SMN Clinique de Genolier, SMN Clinique de Montchoisi, SMN Clinique de Valère, SMN Hôpital de la Providence, SMN Privatklinik Bethanien, SMN Privatklinik Lindberg, SMN Privatklinik Obach, SMN Privatklinik Villa im Park
Spa and convalescent therapy:

CHF 75 per day for spa treatments (up to 21 days per calendar year). CHF 75 per day for convalescence cures in facilities contracted by Visana (up to 28 days per calendar year). Up to CHF 30 per day in other suitable health resorts.


CHF 1000 for an outpatient birth. Waiting period: 270 days.

Rooming in:

In the 1st year of life: 100 percent for accommodation and meal costs for one parent or the child. In the 2nd to 14th year of life: CHF 50 per day.

Home help:

No benefits.

Home care:

No benefits.

Emergency transport costs:

Vacanza Travel insurance during at most 8 weeks per trip. Emergency transport is covered if organized by Visana.

Search and rescue costs:

Vacanza Travel insurance during at most 8 weeks per trip: covered up to CHF 25,000.


Vacanza Travel insurance during at most 8 weeks per trip. Emergency transport and repatriation costs are covered if organized by Visana.

Hospital abroad:

Vacanza Travel insurance during 8 weeks per trip. After that, 70 percent of the additional costs are covered, 50 percent outside of Europe.

Rehabilitation stationary:

Not specified.


Up to a maximum of 360 days in total.

Additional services:

Travel insurance Vacanza included. 
Expert second opinion.

Scope of services

Scope of services
Spa and convalescent therapy
Rooming in
Home help
Home care
Search and rescue
Hospital abroad
Selection of hospitals

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Special offers for Moneyland users

Moneyland Special Offers

Swiss digital bank

Alpian Savings Account

  • Up to 1% interest if you open your account before March 31, 2025*

  • Any number of withdrawals possible without any withdrawal limits or notice periods

  • Monthly interest crediting

Free bank account


  • No account fees

  • Banking partner: Swissquote & Postfinance

  • CHF 20 trading credit with code «YUHMONEYLAND»

Swiss Trading Platform

Cornèrtrader Special Offer

  • Special offer: particularly favorable conditions for Moneyland users

  • No custody account fees for shares

  • Swiss online bank with FINMA license

Swiss digital bank


  • CHF 75 welcome bonus with referral code LAND25.

  • Favorable foreign exchange rates

  • Multi-currency account with Visa card (CHF, EUR, USD, GBP) 

Amex promotion until April 6

Amex Platinum Card

  • 50% off the annual fee in the first year

  • Extra bonus: 75,000 instead of 45,000 Membership Rewards points

  • Further benefits: 10% discount on purchases in Gübelin boutiques & Up to CHF 160 Dining credit per year in over 600 GaultMillau restaurants

Deal of the Day
Swiss digital bank

Alpian Savings Account

Up to 1% interest if you open your account before March 31, 2025*