Private Accounts

Zuger KB variable-rate mortgage

  • Swiss adjustable-rate mortgage

General information:
Not specified.
Indicative mortgage rates (in %):

Variable first mortgage: 3%

Minimum amount:
No minimum amount.
Maximum amount:
Not specified.
Types of property:
Primary residence
Types of financing:
New mortgage, Refinancing, First mortgage, Second mortgage, Direct amortization, Indirect amortization, Early withdrawal of pension funds
Conditions and costs:
Not specified.
Loan-to-value ratio:
Not specified.
Not specified.
Second mortgage:
Second mortgages are available.
Notice period:

Notice period of 6 months.

You don't have to pay off the first mortgage. You have to pay off the second mortgage in full within 15 years.
Direct amortization is available.
Indirect amortization is available.
Interest charge frequency:

The interest must be paid quarterly.