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Alpian Guided By: Invest With Expert Guidance

May 23, 2024

Amandine Soudeille is Portfolio Manager at Alpian. In this interview, she offers insights into Alpian’s new Guided By investment advisory service.

Amandine, what sets this new investment solution apart from others in the industry?

Digital investment solutions are flourishing in Switzerland, and that's great news. Yet, we’ve noticed a striking divide in the options available to Swiss investors. On one side, you have turnkey solutions like robo-advisors, where you can delegate your money management at competitive prices but have little say. On the other side, there are brokerage platforms offering thousands of investment opportunities for you to choose from, but you are on your own. In this polarized landscape, an essential element has been overlooked: personalized guidance and advice.

What if you want to invest on your own but are unsure where to start? How much should you allocate to equities? Which ETF is the most suitable? Are cryptocurrencies compatible with your risk profile? Who can you turn to for a second opinion on your portfolio? How can you put your portfolio on auto-pilot if you have less time to devote to investments?

Most existing solutions don’t address these fundamental questions. This is why we have launched Guided By Alpian, an advisory solution that allows you to access a curated investment universe of ETFs and build your portfolio while benefiting from time-tested advice from our professionals.


How does Guided By differ from your previous Managed By solution?

Let’s start with what they have in common. Like our signature discretionary mandate Managed By, we adhere to our core philosophy: no excessive fees, no complex products, and no unnecessary risks. We offer access to a wide range of asset classes, from equities to digital assets and we always put our clients’ interests first. The starting point is always a personalized strategy, not products.

The difference between the two mandates lies in how this strategy is implemented. With Managed By, you delegate all the decisions to our team of experts. They handle the day-to-day monitoring, tactical choices, and rebalancing. All you need to do is check the performance and decisions from time to time and have in-depth discussions with our advisors when you feel the need. Guided By, on the other hand, is an advisory mandate. You are the decision-maker, but we empower you with the knowledge and autonomy to manage your investments.    

Who is the ideal candidate for the Guided By solution, and why choose it over traditional options?

From novice investors eager to learn how to manage a portfolio in a controlled environment to more seasoned individuals who have strong views on handling their investments but appreciate a second opinion from time to time, Guided By Alpian offers multiple use cases. The main aspirations include a greater desire for control, a long-term view with the flexibility to adjust the portfolio as needed, and a backup plan when you require support or have less time to devote to investing. With Guided By Alpian, you don't have to choose between in-app advice or human guidance, tactical or strategic choices, auto-pilot or do-it-yourself—you can have it all when you need it.

What are the fee benefits for Alpian clients?

Both investment solutions have a fee of 0.75 percent on managed assets. This includes custody fees, transaction costs, personalization, research, and both human and in-app advice. The only additional costs are the TER of third-party products and taxes, but our selection of ETFs is very cost-efficient. Compared to what traditional banks charge for the same level of service, our services are 40 percent cheaper. And for just 0.19 percentage points more than what you pay for only a robo-advisor, you get the things that you should not compromise on: personalization, control, and human guidance.

As a cherry on top, if you invest with us, you receive all of our banking services for free. This includes a multi-currency account, a VISA debit card, and market-leading currency exchange rates, all within one app.

How can clients start using the Guided By mandate?

Simply download the app and open an account in less than 10 minutes. Create your investor profile to receive a tailored investment proposal. Investment advice is available at any time to ensure peace of mind while investing.

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