Atupri Basic

  • Basic outpatient insurance

  • Direct online application


General information:

Atupri Basic: Basic variant of the supplementary outpatient insurance.

Notice period:

Termination after 12 months flexible to the end of each month with a 3-month notice period.

Premiums and discounts:

Premiums depend on various factors such as age, gender and place of residence. The last age class change is at age 70. Discount for early payment.

Glasses and contact lenses:

No benefits.


90 percent.

Preventative examinations:

General prevention: 90 percent up to CHF 200 per calendar year. Preventive gynaecological examinations: CHF 200.

Gym memberships:

Fitness, online fitness, sports clubs, runs and other health promotion: 75 percent, no more then CHF 200 per calendar year in total.
Duration of the subscription/membership at least 3 months.


90 percent of medicines not coverd by health insurance companies.

Alternative medicine:

No benefits.


No benefits.

Search & rescue in Switzerland:

Emergency transportation, search and rescue coverage up to CHF 20,000 per calendar year.

Search & rescue abroad:

Emergency transportation, search and rescue coverage up to CHF 20,000 per calendar year.

Medical costs abroad:

Payment of treatment costs at the customary local rates for emergency outpatient or inpatient treatment.

Tooth misalignment treatments:

No benefits.

Dental treatments:

No benefits.

Spa & convalescent therapy :

No benefits.


No benefits.


No benefits.


Prenatal classes, antenatal classes, pelvic floor exercises, genetic examinations and midwive services: 60 percent up to CHF 1000 per calendar year. Stay in birthing center under 5 days: CHF 150 per day.

Ear corrections:

No benefits.

Home care:

No benefits.

Additional services:

Payment of additional costs incurred for hospital treatment in the general ward outside the canton of residence.

Scope of services

Scope of services
Glasses and contact lenses
Preventative examinations
Gym memberships
Alternative medicine
Search & rescue in Switzerland
Search & rescue abroad
Medical costs abroad
Tooth misalignment treatments
Spa & convalescent therapy
Medical aids and equipment
Ear corrections
Home care