blog migros subitogo test

New Migros App: Shop Without the Checkout

January 31, 2022 - Ralf Beyeler

Finally, you can shop without the detour over the cashier or self-checkout tills. Ralf Beyeler shares his first-hand experience with subitoGo in this blog post.

I do my shopping the “old-fashioned” way at brick-and-mortar supermarkets. But I prefer using the self-checkout to waiting in line at a till. What’s even better than the self-checkout is being able to scan the items I buy with my own phone as I shop. That way I can pack them straight into my backpack, and don’t have to unpack and repack my shopping at a till.

The Migros supermarket in my neighborhood finally activated the new subitoGo service a few days ago. I’m not a complete stranger to subitoGo, having already tested it last year at Migros stores in Regensdorf and Zurich’s Limmatplatz.

The one-time setup is simple: I download the Migros app to my phone. I then sigh in with my existing Migros login, and add the information for the credit card to which my purchases will be charged.

Find the QR code at the store

When going shopping, the first thing I have to do is find and scan the unique QR code for that Migros supermarket. What would be even more practical is if I could select the store right in the app, instead of having to scan a code on location. That is possible with the Passabene app from Coop, so it’s a shame that Migros doesn’t give you that option.

The next step is to scan each item I want to purchase using my phone.

Before leaving the supermarket, I tap on “pay” in the app, and confirm the transaction using my fingerprint. Next the app wants me to enter a PIN, which is kind of annoying. I can’t imagine exactly which PIN this is meant to be. Luckily, I can simply skip over this part, and the payment is settled correctly. Still, the whole PIN thing is kind of strange.

On the whole, shopping with subitoGo is great. I can scan everything right in the store, and then just before leaving the store I can find an empty corner – I like my space during these corona times – and pay right from my phone. I never have to stop at a till at all.

Cumulus points are added automatically

The whole shopping process is further simplified in that I don’t have to scan my Cumulus code anymore (points are automatically credited), nor do I have to hold my phone against the POS terminal. When stores are crowded, I have the added bonus of not being stressed by the line of people waiting to pay.

Well done, Migros. I’m impressed. And that is coming from someone who was not raised a devout Migros customer (nor Coop, for that matter).

Of course, I’ve already thoroughly tested Coop’s Passabene app as well. I can use that app to scan the stuff I buy at Coop stores using my phone. But to pay I still have to go to the till, scan a QR code there, and hold my phone against the payment terminal. That’s obviously still a fair bit less convenient. Coop, please copy Migros.

P.s. Migros first began testing subitoGo some time ago. Now it’s decided to begin rolling it out step by step across all its stores throughout Switzerland. Right now, subitoGo works in around 460 of the 752 Migros supermarkets.

More on this topic:
Buying groceries in Switzerland: Tips from Ralf Beyeler

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Expert Ralf Beyeler
Ralf Beyeler is the telecom expert at and also covers other areas of personal finance.