Concordia Diversa
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Outpatient insurance Concordia Diversa.
The insurer can terminate the contract at the latest 3 months before the end of the contract or calendar year.
Amount of premiums varies depending on the age, place of residence and gender of the insured person.
Cost contribution to eyeglass lenses, contact lenses and vision aids: CHF 150 per calendar year up to the age of 18. CHF 150 every 3 calendar years from the age of 19.
90 percent.
No coverage.
No benefits.
50 percent for medicines accepted by Swissmedic.
No benefits.
Contribution to medically prescribed sessions with Concordia-approved therapists: 75 percent, up to CHF 2000 in 3 calendar years.
Emergency transportation: full coverage. Search and rescue coverage: CHF 10,000.
Emergency transportation and rescue: full coverage. Search costs up to CHF 10,000.
Full coverage of outpatient treatment and full coverage of inpatient treatment during 30 days.
Treatment of tooth misalignment up to the age of 22: 50 percent.
Inpatient (maxillofacial surgery): General department in the hospital according to the cantonal hospital list.
No benefits.
Contribution to the costs of spa and rest cures: CHF 30 per day during up to 21 days per calendar year.
50 percent up to CHF 1000 per aid per calendar year.
Contribution to the costs of underbinding: 50%, maximum CHF 2000, together with corrective surgery of protruding ears.
No coverage.
Contribution to the cost of corrective surgery of protruding ears: 50%, maximum 2000, together with ligature.
Home help: CHF 30 per day during a maximum of 30 days per calendar year.
Not specified.
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