Concordia Diversa Plus

  • Premium outpatient insurance


General information:

Concordia Diversa Plus with additional services.

Notice period:

The insurer can terminate the contract at the latest 3 months before the end of the contract or calendar year.

Premiums and discounts:

Amount of premiums varies depending on the age, place of residence and gender of the insured person.

Glasses and contact lenses:

Cost contribution to eyeglass lenses, contact lenses and vision aids: CHF 250 per calendar year up to the age of 18. CHF 250 every 3 calendar years from the age of 19.


90 percent.

Preventative examinations:

No coverage.

Gym memberships:

No benefits.


75 percent for medicines accepted by Swissmedic.

Alternative medicine:

No benefits.


Contribution to medically prescribed sessions with Concordia-approved therapists: 75 percent, up to CHF 3000 in 3 calendar years.

Search & rescue in Switzerland:

Emergency transportation: full coverage. Search and rescue coverage: CHF 20,000.

Search & rescue abroad:

Emergency transportation and rescue: full coverage. Search costs up to CHF 20,000.

Medical costs abroad:

Full coverage of outpatient treatment and full coverage of inpatient treatment during 60 days.

Tooth misalignment treatments:

Treatment of tooth misalignment up to the age of 22: 75 percent.
Inpatient (maxillofacial surgery): General department in the hospital according to the cantonal hospital list.

Dental treatments:

No benefits.

Spa & convalescent therapy :

Contribution to the costs of spa and rest cures: CHF 50 per day during up to 21 days per calendar year..


50 percent up to CHF 2000 per aid per calendar year.


Contribution to the costs of underbinding: 50%, maximum CHF 4000, together with corrective surgery of protruding ears.


No coverage.

Ear corrections:

Contribution to the cost of corrective surgery of protruding ears: 50%, maximum 4000, together with ligature.

Home care:

Home help: CHF 50 per day during a maximum of 30 days per calendar year.

Additional services:

Outpatient treatments from non-panel physicians: 75 percent up to CHF 2000 per calendar year.

Scope of services

Scope of services
Glasses and contact lenses
Preventative examinations
Gym memberships
Alternative medicine
Search & rescue in Switzerland
Search & rescue abroad
Medical costs abroad
Tooth misalignment treatments
Spa & convalescent therapy
Medical aids and equipment
Ear corrections
Home care

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