Helsana Sana

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Helsana Sana

  • Alternative medicine insurance


General information:

Helsana Sana includes complementary and alternative treatments, preventive medical measures and training at a fitness centre.

Notice period:

The insurer can terminate the contract at the latest 3 months before the end of the contract or calendar year.

Premiums and discounts:

There is a discount for taking out a 3-year contract. Family discount: 5-10%. Premiums depend on various factors such as age, gender and place of residence. Premiums for over-65s are a maximum of 3x the premiums for 30-year-olds and for over-70s a maximum of 4x the premiums for 30-year-olds.

Glasses and contact lenses:

No benefits.


Vaccinations, prevention and ultrasound: 75 percent up to CHF 500 per calendar year.

Preventative examinations:

Vaccinations, prevention and ultrasound: 75 percent up to CHF 500 per calendar year.

Gym memberships:

Cost contribution to approved courses: 75 percent up to CHF 200 per area (CHF 500 area pregnancy) and calendar year.


75% for complementary medicines.

Alternative medicine:

Outpatient: 75 percent. Inpatient: Up to CHF 5000 per calendar year.


No benefits.

Search & rescue in Switzerland:

No coverage.

Search & rescue abroad:

No coverage.

Medical costs abroad:

No coverage.

Tooth misalignment treatments:

No benefits.

Dental treatments:

No benefits.

Spa & convalescent therapy :

No benefits.


No coverage.


No coverage.


Additional ultrasound examinations.
A waiting period of 365 days applies.

Ear corrections:

No benefits.

Home care:

No benefits.

Additional services:

Free telephone travel advice from Travelcheck.

Scope of services

Scope of services
Glasses and contact lenses
Preventative examinations
Gym memberships
Alternative medicine
Search & rescue in Switzerland
Search & rescue abroad
Medical costs abroad
Tooth misalignment treatments
Spa & convalescent therapy
Medical aids and equipment
Ear corrections
Home care