Sunrise has announced on its website that new, higher fees will apply to many of its mobile plans and home Internet plans starting from March 1, 2025. The price changes affect both existing customers and new customers.
Sunrise is citing higher running expenses as the reason behind the price increase:
- A 23-percent increase in electricity costs, on average.
- Higher costs for access to third-party networks.
- Salary increases.
- Higher property rental costs.
- Higher construction costs.
- Higher insurance costs.
Overview of price increases
The following table provides an overview of both the current fees for Sunrise plans, and the fees that apply from March 1.
Table 1: Price increases for Sunrise mobile plans
Mobile plan |
Monthly fee
(current) |
Monthly fee
(from March 1, 2025) |
Price increase in CHF |
Sunrise Up Mobile S |
CHF 29.90 |
CHF 30.40 |
CHF 0.50 |
Sunrise Up Mobile M |
CHF 61.90 |
CHF 63.00 |
CHF 1.10 |
Sunrise Up Mobile L |
CHF 71.90 |
CHF 73.20 |
CHF 1.30 |
Sunrise Up Mobile XL |
CHF 91.90 |
CHF 93.60 |
CHF 1.70 |
As Table 1 shows, the monthly fees of mobile plans are going up by between 50 centimes and 1.70 francs. The monthly fees of older Sunrise plans that are no longer offered to new customers are also going up.
Table 2: Price increases for Sunrise home Internet plans
In addition to mobile plans, Sunrise is also raising the monthly fees of its home Internet plans.
Home Internet plan |
Basic monthly fee
(current) |
Basic monthly fee
(from March 1, 2025) |
Price increase in CHF |
Sunrise Up Home M |
CHF 79.90 |
CHF 81.30 |
CHF 1.40 |
Sunrise Up Home L |
CHF 99.90 |
CHF 101.70 |
CHF 1.80 |
Sunrise Up Home XL |
CHF 109.90 |
CHF 111.90 |
CHF 2.00 |
Sunrise Up Home+ M |
CHF 99.90 |
CHF 101.70 |
CHF 1.80 |
Sunrise Up Home+ L |
CHF 119.90 |
CHF 122.10 |
CHF 2.20 |
Sunrise Up Home+ XL |
CHF 129.90 |
CHF 132.20 |
CHF 2.30 |
As Table 2 shows, the fees that Sunrise charges for its home Internet plans are going up by between 1.40 and 2.30 francs per month.
Are promotional offers also affected by the price increases?
Special promotional offers will also normally be more expensive. For many customers, the terms and conditions of promotional offers do not guarantee a fixed monthly fee. Instead, the customer receives a discount on the standard fee. The discount may be a nominal value in Swiss francs, or a percentage. In both cases, the promotional monthly fee goes up or down in keeping with the standard monthly fee.
Les abonnements à prix promotionnel jusqu'à 6,2 pour cent plus chers
Sunrise augmente ses prix catalogue d'environ 1,8 pour cent. Mais les clients qui paient un prix promotionnel pour un abonnement paieront nettement plus chers à partir de mars. Selon les calculs de, les clientes et clients qui ont conclu un abonnement avec 50 pour cent de rabais paieront entre 3,3 et 3,7 pour cent de plus à partir de mars. Si vous avez souscrit un abonnement avec 70 pour cent de rabais, le surcoût se situera même entre 5,6 et 6,2 pour cent.
Which Sunrise plans will not get more expensive?
Sunrise cites higher running expenses as the reason behind the price hike. However, there are Sunrise plans that will not become more expensive, even though higher operating costs would theoretically impact these plans as well.
The fees for these Sunrise products will remain unchanged:
- The Sunrise Swiss Travel mobile plan.
- Sunrise mobile plans subscribed to via QoQa.
- All prepaid mobile offers from Sunrise.
- The Sunrise Easy Internet and the Sunrise Easy Internet & TV home Internet plans.
- Device purchase plans (installment plans).
Price hikes have become commonplace
Numerous telecom service providers and streaming platforms have raised their subscription fees over the past months. Sunrise last raised its fees on July 1, 2023. While Swisscom has not raised the fees it charges for its plans, many of the market leader’s customers have still been affected by rising costs because Swisscom phased out some of its older low-cost plans and moved affected customers to more expensive plans.
Many customers who use email services from Swisscom’s subsidiary Bluewin also experienced huge price increases. Salt raised the basic fees of its mobile plans in September 2023, and the fees it charges for international phone calls in March 2024. The fees charged for subscriptions from Netflix, Disney Plus, and Sky Show all became higher in 2024.
Customers have the right to terminate their contracts
Sunrise says that affected customers can exercise their right to an extraordinary contract termination. If you want to terminate your mobile plan or home Internet plan because of the price hike, you have until the end of February 2025 to give notice by phone over the toll-free number 0800 100 600, or via the chat service on the Sunrise website. If you want to transfer your phone number to a different service provider, Sunrise recommends that you inform its customer service about this over its phone hotline or chatline before you subscribe to a new plan. This can help prevent complications related to the extraordinary contract termination.
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